Monday, August 25, 2014

Life in New Brunswick

Hey everybody!!! Before I give you all the rundown of my first full week I want to thank Kelli for the cinnamon rolls, the family for the case of water, oreos, cookies, chips,... the list goes on and on. Chrisy for the package! You da bomb!! And everyone who has sent me letters, I love hearing from u all!!!

We'll, let’s see… Time flies!!! Woodstock, New Brunswick is amazing! The weather here changes frequently. It's sooooo green here and it's a very little town. Missionary work is exhausting, but I wouldn't have it any other way! Church is interesting.... People wear flip-flops and they just start talking in sacrament (it's being worked on). The people are different; it's quite the Bible belt! They still don't know their own beliefs though! It’s funny cause most people think we are trying to preach to them, so they are usually surprised when we tell them that's not what we do! Most of the work comes through our own efforts rather then the members. If you wanna help missionaries REFER EVERYONE YOU MEET to them, even if you think they won't hear the gospel, you just might be surprised. Well, that’s all that comes to mind. I'm having a blast, I'm tired, and love this gospel!

~Elder Craig

P-day emails.

Video of my Apartment in Woodstock:

Monday, August 18, 2014

1st week in Canada

Hey Everybody!

It's been an eventful week here in Canada!  Well, lets see, we got into Halifax at around 1am, then had to get our visas.  We got to bed around 3:45am and got up at 6:30.  I went street contacting with one of the assistants.  I approached a guy in the park and began talking to him.  He threatened to shoot me (ha, ha), so I stepped in a little closer and said, "That's fine, but what are your religious views?" At this point the assistant stepped in. The guy got in his face and wanted to fight.  Fun Stuff!

My new area is Woodstock.  We had a baptism Saturday, it was awesome!  My companion is Elder Price...there are no words, he is the MAN! We get along great and will be life time friends for sure.   We do a lot of tracking.  The church isn't super strong in this area (about 65 active members).  Lot's of less active people, so this will be our focus.  My Mission President is amaaaazing!

My mailing address:
170 Connell St. Apt. 4
P.O. Box 6669
Brunswick E7M 1K8

-Elder Craig

 The view

 Our apartment

 My companion. He is the best of the best!

Excited about our new grill!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

And we're off...

Ready to start this adventure.  

The one hour phone call home while waiting at the airport. First time talking to family since my departure flight from Phoenix, AZ!

One layover in Detroit, Michigan and then off to our final destination of HALIFAX CANADA.


13 August 2014

Dear Brother and Sister Craig, I wanted to update you on your son's progress so far in the mission field. As you know, his group left Salt Lake yesterday morning early and flew all day, arriving here in Halifax around midnight. They arrived in good spirits when my Assistants, A senior couple, the Hendricksons and I met them at the airport.

After taking pictures and hunting down luggage, we took them back to the Mission Home where they were fed a late night (2:30 Am) meal of chili, buns, and cookies. We have a dormitory in the basement and upper floor of the Mission Home where we can accommodate up to 14 missionaries. As this group was 18, two sisters stayed in a vacant Sister's apartment and the rest stayed at the mission home. All couches, Sleeping mats and beds were well used. As they did not get to sleep until about 3:30 AM we let them sleep in a bit later but they were up fed and ready to learn by 9:00AM. They were instructed through out the day and had the opportunity to go out and do some proselyting in the evening. They are now in bed and will be up first thing tomorrow and off to their new areas. In the interview, I found out a bit more about your son, your family, and his feelings about serving in the Canada Halifax Mission. During the interview, I explained to him about the various areas and about how we are organized. I told him who his first companion would be and a bit about his first area. You will get the details of that from Him this coming Monday, when he writes you on preparation day. Sister Leavitt and I feel Elder Craig has come prepared to serve the Lord, and we will endeavor to help him have a successful mission and one of the greatest experiences of his life. I meet with the missionaries on a frequent basis and receive a detailed letter from them every week. My Assistants, the Zone Leaders, District Leaders, Trainers and Sister Training Leaders all are focused on helping new missionaries make the adjustment to missionary life. You can do your part by writing to Elder Craig weekly and encouraging him in a positive manner. Detailed updates on sports teams, friends, current affairs, or unnecessary detail on problems at home tend to distract the missionaries and often cause a number of problems. I do my best to communicate with the parents of all the missionaries on a regular basis to keep them informed of the progress of the mission in general. I do this by way of a quarterly update letter sent to you via email. We have a facefook page called "Mormons of Atlantic Canada" where we post various information and pictures from the mission. We posted a picture of all of the new missionaries at the airport with their luggage. They are an impressive group. As well, I try to send specific updates as various areas of responsibility change. Please let us know if your email address changes. I firmly believe the African saying, "It takes a village to raise a child," applies to missionaries as well. Each of us doing our own part will contribute to the overall success of your son's mission.

Best regards,
Brian D. LeavittMission PresidentCanada Halifax Mission

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

MTC Life

The MTC is amazing!!! I am working as hard as I can, having a blast, and learning a ton!  I can’t even begin to explain the spirit that is felt when you commit yourself to this work! Today is p-day but I’ll explain what a normal day looks like:

-Wake up at 5:45. Shower and study a little bit.
-Head to class (district meeting). I’m the District Leader, so I get to run those.  It’s pretty neat!
-Breakfast (30 min).
-Class (4.5 hours).
-Lunch (30 min).
-Class (4.5 hours).
-Prep / gym time
-Teach investigators. Yes, I have already taught lessons! Crazy fast pace here, but it’s fun. I’m teaching a guy who was an atheist, but we’ve had the opportunity to help him see God’s hand in his life. It’s been AWESOME! He’s a cool guy.  I get to meet with him tomorrow and I can’t wait! My companion is a cool kid, a little different, but uh…that’s ok. I’m loving this and I can feel the support from family.  Thank you!!!

Elder Craig

It's official! I'm a name tag wearin' missionary.

My companion Elder Taylor (to my left).  Elder King (far left) has become a close friend.

Provo Temple Day

Our investigator (Chad).  He's amazing! 

"The schedule" 

My make shift shelf(suitcase) for my alarm clock and journal. 

Video of my Living Quarters and Roommates: